Don’t overlook what a fulfillment center can really be to both you and your customers. Traditionally thought of as the back- end warehousing, pick, pack and ship operation, a fulfillment center can be so much more depending on your individual needs!
At a2b Fulfillment, we go beyond the core competencies of the average fulfillment center. We leverage technology, experience, and infrastructure to excel on many business platforms, including Direct Response, eCommerce, B2B and Promotional / Specialized programs. Outfitted with the latest in storage and material handling systems, we offer a variety of additional services including order management solutions, credit card processing, and continuity management.
What happens post sale? Fulfillment doesn’t end when your product is shipped to your customers. We provide returns management, customer service, and refurbishment of returned product to renew and salvage whenever possible to add value to the marketer and lower costs.
A fulfillment model has spikes throughout various seasons and the ebb and flow of the business can vary for different markets. If you’re looking for third party logistics, then you need a company with the infrastructure, experience and awareness to be prepared for the ups and downs of volume for any typical campaign.
Running a fulfillment center is a complex task – allow a2b Fulfillment to carry the burden of infrastructure for heavy operations. We have the facility, equipment and people to reduce costs while simultaneously increasing value for you and your customers.
At a2b Fulfillment, we’re your partner, not just a vendor. Contact us today for a free customized proposal and make fulfillment and logistics easy! If you’re considering outsourcing your warehousing, order fulfillment, logistics or kitting & assembly functions, we can become part of the solution to a more successful and profitable business. See what we can do for you by calling 1-866-344-3169 and as always, a team member will be happy to assist you.