As the economy revives and businesses thrive, many companies are facing a dilemma for storage and shipping. The solution? Fulfillment services. A recent article by The Wall Street Journal revealed fulfillment centers provide the warehousing and distribution needs many business-owners and entrepreneurs seek as their companies grow and time and space become limited.

New York City based entrepreneur Brett Teper, co-founder of ModProducts LLC, encountered a dilemma with logistics and found the solution with a fulfillment house. His merchandise is directly shipped from the manufacturer in Taiwan to the third party fulfillment center where the products are inventoried, warehoused and ultimately shipped to his customers. The entire process provides continuity management and peace of mind for Mr. Teper as the service, “allows us to do this without really thinking about…fulfillment and logistics.”
Entrepreneurs are also attracted to fulfillment houses during holiday and seasonal periods. Sandra Gunthorpe-Orr is the founder of an online toy store Star Bright Kids Co. and outsources distribution support due to her company’s fluctuating demand stating, “we’d have to hire and have to lay off after the season.”
Savings is another allure for entrepreneurs, as fulfillment services reduce overhead costs. Ladder Golf Inc. founder Brent Doud said using a fulfillment center saves him about $40,000 a year as he previously paid approximately $50,000 a year to rent a space in San Diego for his inventory storage and handling. “I probably couldn’t do this if I didn’t outsource,” he said.
If you’re considering outsourcing your warehousing, order fulfillment, logistics or kitting and assembly functions, a2b Fulfillment, Inc. is the solution to a more successful and profitable business. Our 400,000 square foot facility is outfitted with the latest distribution technology and handling equipment – all with a personal touch by our dedicated staff members. For further information or to request a free proposal call us at 1-866-508-4295 and a customer service representative will be happy to assist you. Or you may email us at